Saturday, November 05, 2005

February 1994 - A Selfless Woman

I had started school and continued working for folks again. We attended Church whenever it was open. Our class at Church was very active. The guy who taught our class was also our elder. His wife called us the biscuit class. The groups of 80 of us held class in the hallway in folding chairs which had to folded and put away before the other classes got out and headed for services. This time our elder had everyone to his house for Valentines party. The whole group was always a blast. At one point in the evening we went around the room and he asked that each person give a one word description of there spouse. I was at least half way around the room, so my answer wouldn't be easy. Many gave a smart-aleck answer or something typical (caring, loving...) When it came to me I said that Jen was 'selfless'. I didn't intend to say it. It just came to mind. She immediately burst into tears. I assume she was touched and maybe slightly embarrassed. I don't recall anything else that night not even what she said about me. But my answer got me thinking. I was right. She was selfless. She always did anything anyone asked of her. She always followed me faithfully. I am sure there were times she shouldn't have. She would rather do without than not contribute to an angel tree at Christmas.

When we met my life plan was to use my skills from the Air Force and get a job to earn enough money to be able to enjoy my family. I would get job with aircraft and if that didn't work out I would heed the advice of my sister and go to college and get my electrical engineering degree. This would ensure I could make enough money to enjoy my family. My first job at an aircraft company came when the airlines were doing terrible in the early nineties. A day before my six month temporary employee status was to be over, I got laid off. I took it hard. Honestly I was young. The truth was I was crushed. Jen stiffened up and said it was no problem. She put me at ease. I am sure she was as concerned as I was about where our next meal would come from. We spent the weekend with her folks. Eventually after searching I went back to work for my folks. After some time she helped me remember my dream was to go to school. We decided then that I would go to school full time.

She held down the home front while I went to school. I held a full time job and went to school full time. She worked part time for my folks and handled everything. She did our budget until we moved to Texas. Those were the lean years. I have no idea how she did it. We never made enough money for anything. If it weren't for her, school loans and tax refund checks, we'd have lost it all.

More importantly she always has been my compass. She made sure that we had family time, that we visited relatives (even those in Illinois). When she knew I was over whelmed she'd make me a bath and put on some George Strait and made sure I wasn't disturbed.

I Love my wife!