Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Nov 10, 2005 – Our 15th Anniversary – My First Secret Trip

We have only really taken three trips by ourselves (Arkansas, Six Flags, Granbury). More importantly I have never been able to keep a secret from Jennifer. I usually get too excited and spill the beans. Otherwise she gets hint that something is going on and hounds me until I tell her. She told me six months ago, when we were talking about such things, that I could never pull it off. I didn't take it as a challenge, it just truth.
Last month I started it. I made reservations for us to go to Las Vegas for our 15th Anniversary, which is tomorrow. I won't give all the details as I don't want to give it all up yet. I made arrangements with our friends to cover her duties at Church or to cover my class. I got someone to watch the kids while we are gone. I had the tickets sent to a friend’s house. I spoke with her boss about having the time off. It is very difficult to cover all of my wife's bases!
As a rouse, I created an entire itinerary of things we would do on Thursday here in DFW. I had to. I had to find a way to get her to work her normally off-day, Tuesday. I also created the itinerary in case she caught wind of something and I had to reveal how she thwarted my plan. I even doctored web pages and emailed myself this fake schedule. I did all of this to cover my tracks. She has been great about it. I revealed the rouse on Sunday morning and asked her to please not ask any more about it. She hasn’t. She was a little put back by so many people knowing. In return she asked that I stay out of our bank account this week so she could buy me something. Knowing my wife, I assumed it was a big ticket purchase. I found a way to convince her that it wasn’t a good idea since we’d be making a ‘big purchase’ on Thursday. I hope she will forgive this lie. I’m not sure how much the trip will ultimately cost us but truly it is for both of us.
This morning I told Jennifer to pack her bags. We are going on a trip. She'll have a blast once she realizes that it’s all covered.

Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!

I Love my Wife!