Thursday, August 18, 2005

Front Porch Stories

Have you eve experienced what I recall as a 'front porch story' with your parents. When I was a middle teeenager, I distinctly remember a few. This is probably one of the first times that I can remember seeing my parents as actual people instead of parents. We had been discussing my wanting a motorcycle. Dad began telling me the story of his first mototrcycle and exactly how far from the house he got before he crashed it, how many times he crashed that day and the bizarre ways in which he crashed it. We laughed our butts off. That was a great day. My folks did crazy stuff when they were young(er).

BTW, I believe that was the last day my Dad rode a motorcycle for a long time.

I did get a motorcycle the following christmas. My folks sold one of their two cars to buy it for me. I have great parents!


At 11:07 PM, Blogger Wezie said...

Hey, NAIRB, sorry you had to see me that way on my blog...You prabably DO have more information than needed(or wanted).

BTW..I can't get to you from me - I have to go through Henny - how come? (I guess that's how it should be though, huh?)

Come to mine and visit Preston - he just set up his...I KNOW he will enjoy yours.


At 10:14 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

good story.

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Brian!!!!!

At 10:59 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I just have to say that it makes me happy to have you post the Crowley C of C billboard! Now that I don't live where I regularly drive by it, its nice to see their inspirational messages anyways.


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