Friday, August 12, 2005

A Mother's Sorrow

I will say up front that nothing can be harsher than a mother's sorrow...

I can't believe what I have seen over the past few days concerning the mother, Cindy Sheehan, protesting the war outside Bush's Texas ranch. You might actually believe that Bush pulled the trigger by the end of today. Yesterday I heard about the story on NPR. They tend to offer a longer story (read fewer sound bites, more meat). By all account of this story the thing she was most upset about was that Bush wouldn't meet with her. The story mentioned that he did precisely that (June 2004) albeit along with other in the same situation of lost love ones in Iraq. He knows she is protesting. NPR reported that when asked a question on policy, Bush failed to answer that question directly but rather gave a short empathetic story directed in the broad direction of Cindy Sheehan. Let me tell you by the time I was driving home last night, the story had been "sound bit". From this version of the story it seems that Bush is truly insensitive at all to any death as a result of the Iraq War.

To continue, today on MSNBC ( there is an AP story whose second paragraph states that Ms. Sheehan's son entered the ARMY in 2000... "NEVER IMAGINING HE WOULD SEE COMBAT". You got to be kidding right? Anyone who has entered the military on the standard 3-4 year contract (which is actually eight) since 1991 has had an extremely high chance of seeing combat. My last stint started in 1990 and my group was on 48 hour notice when the last Iraq War ended.

The mother wants the troops pulled now; Bush believes that would destabilize what is currently so fragile now. They are on different sides of whether or not it would honor her son's memory to 'finish the job in Iraq'. If it were my son, I would hate for him to die to no end. I believe this soldier died performing his duty. In fact his mother wanted him to...

"I begged him not to go," she said through tears. "I said, 'I'll take you to Canada' ... but he said, 'Mom, I have to go. It's my duty. My buddies are going.'"

Again, I'll respect this mother's sorrow. I also respect all of the families that may see it differently. We don't need the media reporting snippets unless they tell the whole story.

(Anonymous comments are allowed... bring it!)


At 3:18 PM, Blogger nairb said...

Sheehan met the president in June 2004 but said she deserves another visit since there have been so many revelations about faulty prewar intelligence since then. ( As reported on -

This story is about how Bush drove right past Sheenan's protest to go raise {evil} money {/evil}

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Joanie said...

Did ya hear about the neighbor in Crawford that was "preparing his gun for dove season" and fired off a few rounds this morning? Ha! He had some funny things to say about the situation.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

I read the MSNBC article and as usual it is biased - 'not see combat' and casting Bush in a horribly harsh light to say the least. I love George Bush, I respect his Christianity and willingness to praise God. War is hell. Iraq has been at war for thousands of years between its sects. I personally, now that Saddam is out of control, would like for America to slowly but firmly move away from Iraq. I guess I'm moving to liberal/conservative. I want our boys back home, yes, remove evil, don't stay thousands of years.


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