Saturday, July 23, 2005

Ym Tsrif dna Tsal CCSI

I tsuj dehsinif a keew ta Hcruhc pmac. I yllautca koot a keew ffo fo krow ot dnet ot 051 sdik ta a pmac htiw lanigram doof dna elttil ot rehto naht tahw ew thguorb htiw su. I tnew ot od eht oediv rof pmac. Siht boj si rehguot naht ti sdnuos. I dah ot eb ta gnihtyreve DNA osla tide nehw I dah yna eraps emit. Yb eht dne fo eht keew I dah hguone detide ot wohs 03 setunim htrow.

Os tahw devom em siht keew? Eht sdik. Erom yllacifdiceps eht pihsrow emit. Eht sdik gnignis saw emosewa. Yeht evah os hcum ygrene. I t'ndid yllaer wonk ynam fo eht sgnos, tub I deirt ot teg ni ereht ot hctaw dna netsil sa netfo sa I dluoc. Siht si yleurt gnihtemos ot ecneirepxe. Ti saw a taerg keew dna llew htrow a skeew noitacav


At 2:22 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

I can't read all that... when are the videos comming in?

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

I can't read all that... when are the videos comming in?

At 7:45 AM, Blogger nairb said...

Soon and Very Soon

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Wezie said...

I leef yltcaxa eht emas...pihsrow saw eht tseb!!! I hsiw I dluoc evah enog ot pmac nehw I saw a dik....ebyam I dluow ton evah neeb os dab ni ym thuoy....


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