Tuesday, December 27, 2005

After Holiday Food

With Christmas officially over, I consider myself officially over with holiday food. Here is the twist. Our tradition doesn't really involve traditional holiday food. This year our family decided that my home made fajitas would be our 'Christmas dinner'. Last year I believe it was home made pizza. I can't really recall when or if we ever had Turkey or Ham at our home for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

So what do you do with holiday, being sick of holiday food that simply isn't holiday food? I think more of it is a bit of house fever. Maybe its just an excuse to say I am tired of eating anything we already have in the house.

After thanksgiving we also go through this. When we leave our families and head back to Texas, we usually stop for McDonald's french fries. I think I will see if going to Luby's today will cure this illness.


At 6:04 PM, Blogger karen b said...

we usually celebrate our return to texas by stopping at the spring creek bbq restaurant that's on our way home from the airport. we all dig into our brisket and say "ahh, it's good to be home!"
(we're coming home late wednesday night, so we'll see you soon!)

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

well, our christmas lunch is always homemade mexican food.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Mont Del Test said...

Brian, my mother's birthday is on Christmas. I never knew people had Christmas dinner, because it was Mom's day off. Instead of a turkey, my dad would make breakfast. I always liked his breakfast because he was not afraid of quantity and fried food.

That Christmas breakfast has now grown into a brunch with lots of goodies that we all bring. This year I made sure I ate equal amounts out of the two egg casseroles. So, yeah, I guess now we have our own traditional Christmas meal.

Happy New Year!


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