Friday, September 02, 2005

Judgement.. it can wait

It seems to me that we could suspend our judgement of what is happening. This morning a local radio station DJ spent an entire segment berating the President's (in)action, FEMA (in)action, military and aid organizations. I tolerate his completely liberal stance on the office of the President because usually it doesn't come up that often. He happened to be planning a fund raiser for his own organization but was conviced by others to turn it around for Katrina victims. That make him better because he gathered money first. I believe that we are all taken back by the enormity of what happened. I think those of us in a place to help in some way are doing that. The stories of riots and shooting at those trying to help proves that we must wait for order to be established before assistance can proceed. In the mean time we are collecting those items needed in preparation to assist.

Those in a position to provide stability are aware of the situation and are putting remedies in place. The media seems bent on obtaining admission from officials stating their failure. How does that help? Mobilization of this many resources takes time. I say do what you can where you. Distracting officials to berate them is only distracting them from getting the job done.

For those of you bent on exacting judgement, you can rest assured that someone, somewhere will call for a congrassional investigation by the time this is over. Jusgement will be passed then. For the greater judgement, it too will come.. later.


At 11:30 PM, Blogger Wezie said...

Preach on brother!

At 9:09 AM, Blogger nairb said...

Best comment I heard yesterday (from several media sources to the Mayor of New Orleans)
"You are no Rudy Juliani"


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