Why Church
Does anyone know why we have Church? I know one answer is our parents went. Really, there must be a reason. I believe we come together to worship. On the other hand... whener two or more are gathered in his name, they praise him... right? So then why Church?In the past year, my family has been blesses by our Church family. We've had some trying times, especially the last few months. Our friends have been HUGE in our lives. They have feed us, cleaned our house, stepped up to teach, produced another great year of VBS and even taken my wife nd I out for a 'mental health night'. I haven't even mentioned the help with taking care of our children.
What a better testament could we have than friends like these? I can't imagine. How would we have these friends if not for Church? This brings me to my only conclusion for 'why Church'. It is the relationships.
We build each other up, protect one another and even clean the toilet of someone who needs it. I often hear how my Church doesn't do enough outreach or enough benevolence or a hundred other things the church doesn't do or provide. Let's not forget the one thing it does provide that is bigger than all of those. It provides each of us the opportunity to 'love one another'. If you choose to truely take part in it, you are family.