Sunday, May 29, 2005

Paintball Hurts

I had my first experience at paintball today, with my son. Conclusion... It hurts. To be fair no one warned us this possibility or ways to account for it. We had a great time. It was at a place over in Grapevine with three different fields of play. One was laid out for 'storming the beach at Normandy' The first time around I was coming up from the beach. The majority of my team went around while I stayed right up the middle to fraw fire. And I did draw fire. My worst injury of the day happened there. I was nailed in the forehead. It drew blood. What makes it worse is my own son was the one who shot me. He apparently began telling everyone he was going to be grounded. When I confronted him he denied it. Some one shortly after gave him away. I got him back next round.

When we got home my wife said to throw our clothes away. Is this right? If so I won't be playing often. I need some of my clothes.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Joanie said...

All I can think to say is that possibly paintball is designed for YOUNGER people, more nimble and quick, whose reflexes aren't quite so dulled by age and other factors.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger nairb said...

what 'other factors'? (I sense a slam)

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Paintball hurts. I stick to laser tag. You still get to feel cool without the mandatory injuries.

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Joanie said...

Who me? Slam you? NEVER! I'm sure the "other factor" that I was referring to was how you paused on the beach at Normandy, only to take a quick glance at the tattered and torn picture you had of your beautiful wife, taped to securely to the barrel of your paintball automatic assault rifle, and with that slight hesitation, you became too vulnerable to the slings and arrows of your enemy, which had the same effect on your fate as your age-dulled reflexes.

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

You can wash those clothes... but the emotional scars resulting from being shot by your son will last a lifetime.

Also, nice Icon... is that the Autmatic Pilot from Airplane?


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